Base modules certify skills that are considered essential skills - together they form the set of skills and knowledge that are crucial for all, which is why they are considered essential.
The four Base modules are:
Computer Essentials - skills and concepts relating to the use of devices, file creation and management, networks and data security.
Online Essentials - skills and concepts relating to web browsing, effective information search, online communication and e-mail.
Word Processing – skills to accomplish everyday tasks associated with creating, formatting and finishing word processing documents, such as letters, CVs, and other documents.
Spreadsheets – skills to perform tasks associated with developing, formatting, modifying and using a spreadsheet, to use standard formulas and functions, and to competently create and format graphs or charts.

There is a wide range of Intermediate modules to chose from, depending on your needs - either at work or at home.
The Intermediate modules are:
Presentation – create professional standard presentations. Perform tasks such as creating, formatting, modifying and preparing presentations using different slide layouts for display and printed distribution.
Using Databases – use a desktop database effectively. Understand the main concepts of databases and demonstrate the ability to use a database application: creating and modifying tables, queries, forms and reports, and preparing outputs ready for distribution. Learning to relate tables and to retrieve and manipulate information from a database by using query and sort tools.
Image Editing – acquire the skills and knowledge to use a variety of programmes to manipulate images, and prepare an image for printing or for publishing on the Web.
Web Editing – enables you to understand the key web editing and publishing concepts, and to design, create, upload, and maintain a static website.
Computing - Learn skills relating to the use of computational thinking and coding to create simple computer programs.

Advanced modules certify skills that enable you to become a 'power user' and perform advanced actions in four of the most commonly used applications. The ECDL Advanced Modules are:
Advanced Word Processing - use the advanced features of word processing applications to enhance your work, improve productivity, and save time. Ideal for the workplace.
Advanced Spreadsheets - bring your spreadsheet skills to an expert level. Use the full potential of the spreadsheet application to produce higher quality management information. Perfect for any job roles that require advanced calculations.
Advanced Database – use the advanced tools available in database applications to better manage, organise, and report structured information: invaluable skills in many job roles.
Advanced Presentation - a vital tool for anyone who wishes to create effective, high-impact presentations using advanced features of presentation software.